A Nisus is a mental or physical effort to attain an end, a perfective urge or endeavour. -Merriam-Webster

Rè Gwen
3 min readMay 27, 2021

Coz this word is cathartic as hell.

2 Nisus.

So for the life of me, I’ve not actually worked hard for anything in my life.

Thanks, Andrew Mackie

But it sure looks like this guy has.

To give me a little credit, I spent the past week plus posting blog post after blog post on Medium. Whilst having a full-time internship and worrying about my failing grades. And I promptly crashed for the weekend.

I’ve since decided to scale back to weekdays only to be the days I work on my Medium page alongside my job. Still, the lack of immediate results on Medium is starting to wear on my frail strawberry-generation mind. So let’s see how this week goes. Because tomorrow would be the last article for my 8 part introductory set, and the next one, hopefully, would undergo the hellfire of publication pitching.

I’m looking forward to crying over getting rejected. Joke aside, I’ve pretty much steeled myself for rejection, but I would only taste said pain about a week after I post this current shindig you’re reading.

The first Missus — ah, I mean, Nisus. It would be me catapulting myself into the real world about a year too early. Usually, one ejects oneself out of the nest after graduating, not in their penultimate-to-final year. I could mess up my papers and extend my studies, I suppose. :’) But it’s nobody’s fault I can’t put doing what I love aside anymore.

And I left my home to do that. Okay, let’s cut the drama; I went to live with my aunt. Home was comfy, but it was also the same day after day. I found myself thinking: read in a Malaysian slang ;p “Ah, I think I should finish my studies, graduate, be a good daughter.” or “Aiya, Malaysia writer where can find a job?”. And despite having a book co-written and published on Smashwords, I still considered myself inadequate and not a real writer because I’ve yet to earn a single cent as one.

But that book wasn’t managed by me. This is. And I really appreciate you reading this.

Though oh boy, living in KL is expensive, man. I’ve yet to find a good food place that’s within walking distance, mind you, though I don’t particularly appreciate walking very far, that happens to cost less than RM 10. That’s about 2.5 USD for you Americans. I’m a college student/intern. Which also means I’m flat-sass broke by most people’s standards.

It really does not help that I’ve bought into the “Compounding Interest, Dear 20-somethings!” savings jig. Suffer now for a better future, am I right? *Sheds tear.

My bottom line for this semi-rant was: Switch up your environment if you can help it. Sometimes, that one best friend from high school that you somehow kept for 15 years wouldn’t mind a house-swap. Agreements should be made, however close you both are, though. (Disclaimer: These are suggestions, I’m in no way a professional; I’m 23, you’re smarter than me.)

The second Nisus sees me here. Creating articles and honing my writing skills, munching down on as many articles as I can devour in this sweltering tropical heat. Just writing. Jared A. Brock, Tim Dennings, and all you beautiful people who make up the Medium community; Thanks. For your stories. I hope to join you all someday. And make a craft out of my scribblings.

I chose this image over the other one I prefer.



Rè Gwen

Here to live a life full of beautiful conversations. Thanks for reading :]