Rè Gwen
4 min readMay 18, 2021


Photo by mwangi gatheca on Unsplash

7 Evasions:

Of course, I included a ninja.

With every new beginning, you could almost expect a landmine of pitfalls and procrastinators. All of whom were silent during your entire stay in Comfort Kingdom, and choosing now, of all times, to come out of the woodwork.

Because all of a sudden, I had about double the amount of responsibilities and half the amount of money. Much fun. I felt quite like an angsty little red bird launched against my will into the one glasshouse called adulting. Here are the 7 oncomings “sharp rocks” that I most definitely do not want to “Bring it on” :

I’m about to go over a huge waterfall, and there are (most likely) sharp rocks at the bottom. -Mockturne (Imgur)
  1. Money

This is pretty self-explanatory. I’m young, somewhat broke and currently thinking twice before spending 10.50 on Kruber’s Grail Knight career. Hedonism has to take a back seat, unfortunately. It’s crazy how I would think twice now about getting myself a bowl of Wonton Soup. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for making takeouts seem readily accessible.

And if you can’t tell by now, yea, I moved out. Luckily, I moved in with my aunt, which means free rent. I do hope to pay her back someday, hopefully. I feel grateful. Yet it’s so easy to fall down the rabbit hole of worrying about Money.

2. Timely

My time is now completely my own. That’s a weird thought. You see, if you live in an Asian family, there is a cultural obligation that is of utmost importance — chores. You are expected to get your butt off the chair if someone needs help; it’s even in our school curriculum, this teaching: Filial, helpfulness and all that good stuff. So helping out accounts for 1/5 of any standard day.

It’s weird now because the only one I have to help is myself. I have too much time now. Or do I?

3. Bunny

Ah, young love, first dates, shared frappes sprinkled with dreams and surprisingly, my most meticulous lesson yet in conflict management with a loved one. Not much of a trap here unless you consider their charm the entrapment. But the future, when coloured by the presence of another, is quite the Siren. But whether this mermaid feasts on human flesh, I hope I have the gift of a present mind, never to find out.

I want to spend more time with them now versus in my daydream of them later.

4. Study

Thankfully I’ve been spared the burden of student loans.

But I’ve been sucked into the vortex of never-ending papers. Thank you, ACCA. Meh, I would not trade it for the world. I have to keep trying. I will finish my ACCA and finish that OBU degree option that comes along with it. (And hopefully my Masters in E. Lit… the list unfurls…)

5. Curry

The temptation to survive off Maggi Mee Kari is real. Instant noodles seem that much cheaper, especially in this part of town. I, however, would not like to see a dip in my efficiency, something I’m well aware may happen if I feed myself wax-coated gluten disguised as a Penang cuisine. Mmmh, I would kill for a spicy tuna roll right about now.

After all, you are what you eat, and I don’t want to be a noodle with a hardiness that lasts only 3 measly minutes. (Perfect for noodles, not great for youths.)

6. Family

It’s easy to forget to call. To believe you are “Woo Hoo, finally an adult” and forget your roots when you live away from home. It’s tempting to believe I don’t need help from anyone at all. That’s pride. It’s inedible; drop it.

I try to make time for a video call every few days. I’m always contented to see my Grandma’s ever-smiling demeanour. It reminds me there’s still some positivity left in this darkening world.

7. Godly

It’s easy to forget Who your priority is. Today's needs seem unmet, and my bank account dwindles with no consistent income soon. It’s easier to focus on what I can see.

I’m sorry, I’ve neglected You much.

I suppose it was more of a list of priorities versus a “7 Evasions” list, though it’s interesting how your greatest priorities would hold the greatest “traps” within or related to them. It’s because you care, after all. (Btw those were in no particular order; it’s a pyramid hierarchy, not a list. Think Maslow.)



Rè Gwen

Here to live a life full of beautiful conversations. Thanks for reading :]