In Gut We Trust

Rè Gwen
3 min readMay 19, 2021

It’s better than Money

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

6 Senses

Especially in this current Age of Screens, where disassociation runs rampant and socializing is manufactured.

Let’s list down our senses, shall we:

Tactile sensation, your Visual system, Auditory sense, Olfactory sense and your Gustotary system. Yet, the most powerful sense that shapes our destiny shares the name of a horror movie.

Our 6th Sense, or ESP, whichever you prefer, may find its roots in the subconscious, and intriguingly, our trust in it potentially has a linear association with our self-esteem.

And in a world where external factors easily sway self-perception, identity often finds itself neglected in our now more effective attempts at “Keeping up with the …” which family are we following now, even?

Anyone with a 6 figure following on any platform is a star. Or 7 figure following, it’s all relative.

Back to talking about Perceptive Intuition:

It’s interesting how we make 90% of our decisions subconsciously. Doesn’t this mean that we base 90% of our lives on essentially nothing? It’s all abstract thoughts. Yet, instead of trying to take control, I’ve opted for listening to my gut:

  1. It’s Not Always Right

This article is not living up to its title. We’ve to remember that our gut consists of many different factors, most of which are rooted in our subconscious. And guess what, younger me, you were wrong on a lot of things.

But this isn’t an article on forgiving yourself, pride and all that zen. That’s another article I’ll write. Someday.

Lord knows I have many “The One’s”.

2. It Pays You Back

I wish it were in actual cash, but it does pay me back in peace of mind whenever I listen to it.

And having peace of mind equals a happier Reg, and in turn, a more productive one.

Your gut could also save you a lot of money. Or help you make that connection that makes money.

It got me crossing paths with my Biz Mentor.

3. It Cares For You More Than You Do

Have you ever groaned: “I wish I listened to myself?”

Yea, that’s your gut berating you for ignoring it. And for most of us, we are very external-centric people. Interacting with the world often takes priority over interacting with our inner selves. Thankfully, your own little pocket manager, your gut, will try to help you manage both.

And we all know that a happy manager means better pay.

My gut is telling me I’m on the write path (pun intended) and that I will grow into these pair of shoes I bought (becoming a writer). My seedling desire to start my own thing has already sprouted. It’s a wide wide world. So many opportunities and opportunity costs at every turn. It is a wonder that humanity, in general, did not file the “Existential Crisis” as a public enemy.

Funny thing, trusting my gut in picking this “right” path has been painful yet serene. It’s already paying dividends in its first week. I hope I made the right investment. Motivation is an expensive currency, after all.



Rè Gwen

Here to live a life full of beautiful conversations. Thanks for reading :]