New Beginnings are Just Old Directions.

Rè Gwen
3 min readMay 21, 2021

Because you can’t exactly run from yourself.

4 Eves.

As in the “eve” in “Christmas Eve”.

I’m calling this “Remember Santa?”{ Photo courtesy of Gratisography

I’ve had 4 new beginnings this year:

  1. A Bunny.
  2. A New Living Space
  3. An Internship
  4. A Concrete Start to My Years-long plans.

Sounds exciting, no? It’s bloody tiring at the same time. But having this sense of purpose and direction is exhilarating. I don't have any tips or advice to share, but I’d like to invite you into my world:

Relationships. That one big buzzword with a surprising amount of power in our lives. Healthier relationships = healthier you. Yeah, we got that… But how?

Most articles I’ve read go “Give, and you’ll receive”, “love yourself”, and all that good stuff. But there’s a key here that I seldom hear: Respect. Respect yourself and your partner. That’s hard. It’s not the same as love. Respecting someone, at least to me now, would mean not treating moments with them lightly as much as writing a sonnet about every text message they reply would be hilarious to experience/watch. However, TikTok makes it easy to serenade now. But it’s much more mundane than such.

  • Not standing someone up or even 30 minutes late — one way to show you’re respectful of their time.
  • Letting them know your preferences and opinions — you’re respectful of their position in your life as your partner.
  • Listening. Lord knows this is hard. Listening is received differently for every person btw. Bun is actually ok w me multitasking, but it’s also because I stop my work to engage with him whenever he says something important. How did I know it’s important? I listened 😜.

This New Place. Similarly to A Quiet Place, it’s mostly very silent. Save for the spinning fan and my thoughts. Also, my Bun, on Discord. And in the silence, there’s more room for Me to speak up to Me. And as much as I’m not the biggest advocate of listening to yourself — I mean, it’s only as smart as you are. I do think it’s worth giving a listen every once in awhile. Kind of like how you pay attention to your body. Your mind needs some loving, too.

Mental Pain is easy to spot only when you look at yourself from a third person perspective. Or you can use this guide: If you feel like you reaaaally need to complain to someone about something, there are probably signs of Mental pain in that area. The fortunate thing about it is that we can train our Mental Pain tolerance.

Internships and business ventures have one thing in common. There’s a very likely chance you would be working your ass off with seemingly very little gain. You are paid by your own business — in exposure. No one will congratulate your 80 hour work week with a raise and a “Keep up the Good Work!” At least with regards to your Internship you have a better chance at snagging yourself a real job.

But yet I’m still here. Interning, studying while trying to begin a venture. And if you’re reading this, chances are you are too.

Here’s my plan:

  1. Write 200 words every weekday.
  2. Publish on Medium whenever I reach 500 words.
  3. Repeat till it’s so ingrained that I break out in hives if I miss my 200 words on a weekday.

My focus is on output first, because I find that most of the writers I admire have an extensive wpd (Word p Day) output ranging from 4 to 10k per day. Though they are full time writing whilst I’m juggling an internship, studies and adulting.

But that’s my goal. to write at least 4k words a day + editing. Even whilst juggling an internship/job, studies and, of course, adulting (this never ends).



Rè Gwen

Here to live a life full of beautiful conversations. Thanks for reading :]